Henderson BCG
Henderson Sans Started with a family of 4 weights, 4 new weights have been added two years after at client request. Based on Henderson Serif, itself based on Baskerville, Henderson Sans can be definite as one of the first transitional sanserif, at mid distance between humanistic sanserifs like Gill Sans and grotesk sanserifs like Helvetica and Arial. Henderson Sans still remain close to Arial, in a sense that Henderson Sans is based on an ancestor style of Arial. Henderson Sans structure is modulated and its terminals not yet structurally well organised while its design is already clean and net. Finally, Henderson Sans can easily be switched from Arial back and forth. Furthermore, Henderson Serif and Sans are built on the same structure and the same proportions to be easily exchanged at anytime without too much effect on layout and text length and size.


The Henderson is a proprietary typeface family designed to convey a strong personality to the Boston Consulting Group communication tools. It asserts The group’s faith in progress and modernity while remaining true to its heritage and history. It contributes both to strengthening company’s presence in the market and to enhancing the reader’s comfort through increased clarity and readability.

Henderson Sans
Started with a family of 4 weights, 4 new weights have been added two years after at client request.
Based on Henderson Serif, itself based on Baskerville, Henderson Sans can be definite as one of the first transitional sanserif, at mid distance between humanistic sanserifs like Gill Sans and grotesk sanserifs like Helvetica and Arial. Henderson Sans still remain close to Arial, in a sense that Henderson Sans is based on an ancestor style of Arial. Henderson Sans structure is modulated and its terminals not yet structurally well organised while its design is already clean and net. Finally, Henderson Sans can easily be switched from Arial back and forth.
Furthermore, Henderson Serif and Sans are built on the same structure and the same proportions to be easily exchanged at anytime without too much effect on layout and text length and size.

Henderson is a proprietary typeface who will never be made available to the general public.

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