Allumi is a different font. Different from anything Jean François Porchez has designed in the past. Allumi is a sleek typeface designed with technology in mind.It’s a perfect font for any communication concerning design, robotics, or functionality.

Allumi Pro
Allumi is a different font. Different from anything Jean François Porchez has designed in the past. Allumi is a sleek typeface designed with technology in mind.
It’s a perfect font family for any communication concerning design, robotics, or functionality. Pushed to its extreme limits, the Allumi shapes are neither perfectly round or geometrically square. It’s a human design with a high tech touch. Allumi can be described as the Eurostyle(designed by Aldo Novarese in 1964) of the new century, mixed with Frutiger. Allumi is a serious typeface because of the unique design and sturdy form. The pure shapes can create a global presence today with an eye on the world of tomorrow.
The family has been built around two series of widths, standard and extended. Italics have been carefully designed as slanted roman with all necessary optical and human corrections to create a perfect and neat italic. Each serie feature obviously a full glyph set who cover most of latin languages, all aspects of typographic needs such small caps, various set of figures & so on. In addition to that, few alternates glyphs can change the overall aspect of text setting. Last but not least, more than 70 dingbats are included on the 27 series and adapt to them.